當心情悶悶的時候 買東西最好的選擇 或許要藉由消費行為達到情感的紓發 我通常都會晃晃唱片行 這其實是個不好也不壞的選擇 音樂可以抽離情緒 沉浸入旋律裡
最近買了小白兔唱片代理的Stars,電味的輕搖滾是我最近常聽的類型,一聽就迷上了:P 在【Heart】Elevator Love Letter,唱出尋找戀情的心情,可以看看他的官網

I’m so hard for a rich girl
My heels are high, my eyes cast low
And I don’t know how to love
I get so tired after midday, lately
I take it out on my good friends
But the worst stays in, or where would I begin?

My office glows all night long
Its a nuclear show, and the stars are gone
Elevator, Elevator, take me home

I’m so hot for the rich girl
Her heels so high, and my hopes so low
‘Cause I don’t know how to love
I’ll take her home after midnight
And if she likes, I’ll tell her lies
How we’ll be in love by the morning
I don’t think she knows
That I’m saying good bye

My office glows all night long
Its a nuclear show, and the stars are gone
Elevator, Elevator, take me home

My office glows all night long
Its a nuclear show, and the stars are gone
Elevator, Elevator, take me home

Don’t go, say you’ll stay
Spend a lazy Sunday
In my arms, I won’t take
Anything away

Don’t go, say you’ll stay
Spend a lazy Sunday
In my arms, don’t take
Anything awa

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